Polysaccharides like Hyaluronic Acid, Chitosan or Cellulose were succesfully spun using the 4SPIN technology.
By combining electrospinning with airflow around the spinneret by electroblowing, Hyaluronic Acid can be spun even in its native form.
When used in biomedical applications, natural polymers have better biocompatibility and low immunogenicity.
All the main classes of biopolymers have already been spun into scaffolds opening doors for development of novel materials in regenerative medicine.
Most of the synthetic polymers known in electrospinning can be handled by 4SPIN.
Synthetic polymers can be tailored to a wide range of properties (strength, morphology, flexibility, anisotropic properties etc.).
They are cheaper and a more reliable source of raw material.
Typical synthetic polymers used in biomedical applications are PLA, PVA, PS, PGA, PEO, PU.
Great results were achieved by combining both the synthetic and natural polmyers during electrospinning.
The mix of natural and synthetic polymers provides a straightforward way to combine different properties like strength and durability of a synthetic polymer and specific cellular affinity of natural polymers.
Examples of mixtures of natural and synthetic polymers: PEO/Chitosan, PVA/Cellulose, PEG/HA.